Janggeltrekker's Life: 2007


Visit Malaysia: Taman Alam Nature Park - Kuala Selangor


I went to Taman Alam Nature Park at Kuala Selangor last weekend as part of my compulsory training program (EiMAS) and it was a great experience!. We (trainers) arrived there on saturday afternoon and the program started with nature walk activities. and then at night we went to Kampung Kuantan to watch Kelip-kelip!!! hahahhaha it was so exciting! and in the Sunday evening, the program ended with Nature Hunt and my team manage to be the 2nd runner up of!!! here, i put some photos to share..enjoy!!. 



Visit Malaysia: Priority on conservation - Belum Valley


Good article from Google. Just to share good knowledge here:-

Lembah Belum or Belum Valley, although remote, is actually a very beautiful place that is rich in wildlife and plant species. This natural heritage site found in the northern region of Perak is virgin land that will please nature lovers.
Some of the activities you can participate in include a river safari along the Sara River, on which you can view many hills that have been submerged over the years until now, their hilltops form mere islands in the stream.
Jungle trekking is also a favourite activity here and if you are lucky, you might be able to catch sight of some animals in their natural surroundings. They are rather more difficult to spot here because of the density of the forest.
There are also aboriginal tribes in the Valley; shy and simple people who are self-sufficient in the wild. There is much adventure, excitement and discovery to be had in the 130,000-plus hectares of the Belum Valley.
Tucked away in the northernmost corner of Perak, the launch of the Royal Belum state park marks a major milestone in the country’s conservation history. As this last tract of virgin wilderness in the peninsula will soon be open for tourism, the need for a detailed park management plan has become a pressing issue.

Plans for a nature park at Belum forest reserve, the expanse of virgin wilderness at the northernmost edge of Perak, have for years left nature lovers waiting with bated breath. Many are anxious to know how big the protected area will be, what shape it will take and more importantly, who will manage it. These are valid concerns, for what if the park is developed for mass tourism complete with huge resorts? Or becomes a profit-driven luxury tourist destination beyond the reach of most Malaysians, such as Danum Valley in Sabah? Or worse, a water theme park? Hordes of tourists can only ruin a pristine site which harbours untold biological riches.

Understandably, there were sighs of relief when plans were finally unveiled during the launch of the Royal Belum state park early last month by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah. The state government appears to have heeded calls for only low-key ecotourism in Belum. The untouched Belum forest abounds with huge trees like this one which is entwined by a straggling fig.“Conservation comes first and tourism, second,” asserts Datuk Ahmad Konchong, director of the Perak State Economic Planning Unit. “The focus will be on conservation and research. It will not be a commercial thing.”

Royal Belum stretches over 117,500ha of an area referred to as Upper Belum which sits north of the East-West Highway. The park, however, excludes the sliver of Belum forest that remains south of the highway, known as Lower Belum. The park comprises four zones: Sungai Kenarong Research Centre, Sungai Kejar Adventure Eco-tourism, Sungai Tiang Ethno-botanical and Adventure Eco-tourism, and Jenut Papan Educational and Adventure Eco-tourism. Ahmad says control of tourism activities will help prevent adverse impact to the site’s pristine and fragile environment. There will be a daily limit on visitor numbers and they can only enter the reserve with park guides.

To further minimise disturbance to the site, infrastructure such as a visitor centre, chalets, dormitories, shops and restaurants will be sited outside the park, on Pulau Banding. Inside the park, facilities will be limited to longhouses, hides and observation towers. Camping grounds will not be set up because of the presence of wildlife.

“Most visitors will stay at Banding and make daily excursions to the park. The adventurous ones can spend the night at observation towers inside the park but their numbers will be small since the towers can only accommodate eight to 12 people,” explains Ahmad.

The state government is certainly making moves in the right direction but these are only the first few steps towards preserving Belum. Nature groups, so far kept out of the planning of this protected area, have pointed out several uncertainties. They say the most crucial element of a park – a detailed park management plan – is missing. There is also the question of how zoning of the park was done.

Zoned management
The state has only a broad conceptual map on four usage zones within the park. This is not enough, according to World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) national programme director Dr Dionysius Sharma.

“Every protected area must have a management plan. This is a fundamental aspect of conservation sites. The plan will guide development of the park to ensure that rules on sustainability are followed and due consideration is given to conservation, research and eco-tourism,” he says.

Sharma says a management plan should cover these aspects: identify products which can be developed for eco-tourism; carrying capacity (the number of visitors the area can take without being adversely impacted); the impact of humans, boats, garbage, sewage and noise pollution on wildlife and habitat; suitable infrastructure; and zoning based on the area’s biological features and species requirements. WWF, which helped set up the Perlis State Park, is eager to provide its expertise to the state and has drafted a management plan for the state Economic Planning Unit.

Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) executive director Dr Loh Chi Leong says a management plan will work out how much land to open up for human use and how much to set aside for conservation. He fears that, without an overall guiding plan, new development may be added indiscriminately. “With an agreed plan, any changes or additional development will require the agreement of all stakeholders. This will give them an opportunity to raise their concerns.”

Scientists also questioned how the four zones were selected and the criteria used. The common management strategy in any protected area is to open some areas to visitors and keep others off-limits to serve as core conservation sites for biodiversity preservation. Those zones where activity is allowed are further divided into high-density use and low-density use. A pair of lantern bugs adds to the rich store of wildlife in the forest.“This approach is absent in Royal Belum. In fact, it appears as if the whole forest is accessible to tourists,” says Loh. “I don’t see any real core conservation area in the plan and there is concern over opening a large area all at once.”

Placement of the different zones matters, too. Placing a conservation zone next to a high-density zone raises the risk of encroachment into the former. In the case of Royal Belum, Loh observes that tourism activity is earmarked for the upper reaches of the park whereas the conservation area at Sungai Kenarong is further downstream. This, he says, makes it difficult to control human access to the protected zone. Zoning should preferably follow a radial approach which places the high-density zone at the lowest reaches of the park and the conservation area at the uppermost – hence inaccessible – spot.

Such a zoning system is seen in the Endau-Rompin Park which the MNS helped establish. The group is familiar with Belum, having led two scientific expeditions there in 1993/1994 and 1998. It submitted a management plan for Belum after the first expedition.

Despite doubts raised by scientists, Perak National Parks and Wildlife Protection Department (commonly known as Perhilitan) director Jasmi Abdul stands by the zoning system. He says it was based on long discussions between various agencies and recommendations from his department which was familiar with the area. As for fears of human intrusion within the park, he maintains that most of Belum will remain as wilderness as only trails and small development will be established at each of the three tourist zones.

Fragmentation fear
Spread over 1,175sqkm of lush forest, Royal Belum is the second biggest park in the peninsula, after Taman Negara (4,343 sqkm). Still, scientists would have liked to see it include Lower Belum and Temenggor Forest Reserve as well. The MNS had all along proposed the setting up of a 3,000sqkm park which straddles the Belum and Temenggor forest reserves.

There are strong reasons for this. A bigger, contiguous area means a more stable sanctuary for animal survival. The Belum-Temenggor site is the last large tract of forest in Perak and collectively forms its final stronghold for wildlife. These lowland dipterocarp forests of below 300m form the prime habitat for large mammals. Perhilitan surveys since 1990 in Upper and Lower Belum as well as Temenggor show abundant big mammals – there are some 150 to 200 elephants, 60 tigers, over 100 seladang, 10 to 15 rhinos and over 100 tapirs. The forest also showcases the flora of the northern region, which has distinct Myanmar-Thai influences.

To conservationists, it made sense to set aside the whole region as a refuge for wildlife. Elephants, tigers, gaurs and seladang regularly cross the East-West Highway which separates Upper Belum from Lower Belum and Temenggor. Huge flocks of hornbills ply both sites; it is believed that they feed in Upper Belum but roost in either Lower Belum or Temenggor.

Unfortunately, Temenggor is being logged and it is only a matter of time before chainsaws and bulldozers reach Lower Belum. Both are production forests earmarked for timber harvesting. Perhilitan’s Jasmi dismisses this concern. He says logging in a sustainable manner with no clear-felling of trees would still leave ample forests to shelter wildlife. He says both areas can still act as a buffer zone for the core conservation area that is the Royal Belum. A gurgling stream flowing through the pristine Belum forest.Another troubling point is Perak’s plans for development along the East-West Highway. WWF’s Sharma fears this might obstruct animal crossings. He says forests fragmented by highways, farms and other development hinder wildlife conservation.

“Species which need large spaces to survive, for example large mammals like elephants, tigers, tapirs and rhinos, will suffer. In the long run, it is not good for the gene pool,” he warns. He says “wildlife corridors” must be maintained to enable animals to move between fragmented forests. He calls for studies to determine sites along the highway which can be used for animal passage. Ahmad, however, argues that as only parts of the highway will be developed, animals will not be deprived of a passage. He adds that development will be controlled and restricted to small-scale eco-tourism facilities and rest areas. There will be no massive land clearing for agricultural purposes.

"The state government has to strike a balance between conservation and development needs,” says Ahmad. He agrees that the concept plan for the park is general. “We must now fill in the details, like a master plan for development and research.”

Ahmad’s view raises hope for the park. The uncertainties raised by scientists may have cast a cloud over Royal Belum but the creation of this protected area is a major milestone in the country’s conservation history. These are early days yet for the park and its managing body. But for Belum to remain intact in its natural state, the state government has to endorse and adhere to long-term plan for managing the protected area.

Sumber - Google. 


World Environment Day 2007 - "Melting Ice - A Hot Topic?"


More Article from Google, just to share a good info here:- 
Norway is honoured to host the international World Environment Day 2007 celebrations in recognition of the hot topic of melting ice. More than a hundred nations are celebrating this day, and the theme is highly relevant.
Ice plays a critical role in shaping our planet's environment. Ice—in the form of sea ice, glaciers, ice caps and snow—reflects some of the sun's heat, cooling the planet. In contrast, the dark surfaces of the open sea and snow-free ground absorb heat., As ice disappears, the earth retains more of the sun’s heat. And as the earth warms up, more ice melts. Through this feedback process, declining ice strengthens global warming.
The earth's climate is changing. At the moment this is most noticeable in the Arctic, where the average temperature has risen at twice the rate as in the rest of the world during the past few decades. The reduction of sea ice is likely to have devastating consequences for the flora and fauna that are specially adapted to the extremes of the harsh Arctic environment, such as polar bears and ice-dependent seals, as well as the people for whom these animals are a primary food source. In addition, the Arctic is the final dumping ground for contaminants, brought by winds and sea currents from the industrial centres of the world into the far north. The situation of indigenous people of the Arctic has become precarious.
Climate change in the Arctic affects people's lives all over the world. Melting ice is not limited to the polar areas, but is also occuring in mountainous areas in many parts of the world. The global impacts are important:
Ice holds large freshwater supplies and is a vital part of the ecosystem. A rise in temperature leads to a reduction of ice and snow in mountain chains like the Himalayas and the Andes. This changes the supply of freshwater via rivers, and affects agriculture, human health, plant and animal life in the areas which depend on this flow of freshwater from the mountains.
Melting polar ice sheets contribute to a rise in sea level, which affects the people living on low islands and in low lying coastal areas. Numbers of climate refugees might reach enormous dimensions if millions of people in densely populated, low-lying countries are forced to move by rising sea levels. In the South Pacific, this has already begun to occur in some low-lying islands. The events of World Environment Day will be organized in cooperation with UNEP. Norway will also use this occasion to mark that 2007 is the start of the International Polar Year, which will have significant impact on the spread of knowledge about the polar regions.
The events of World Environment Day will be organized in cooperation with UNEP. Norway will also use this occasion to mark that 2007 is the start of the International Polar Year, which will have significant impact on the spread of knowledge about the polar regions.
The main celebrations will be held in Tromsø, a city with a living polar history and a centre for polar research. The city has the world's northernmost university and the Norwegian Polar Institute, both of which are key players in the research arena.
The impacts of melting ice will reach far beyond the Arctic, affecting global climate, sea level, biodiversity and many aspects of human social and economic systems. Melting ice and climate change thus demand urgent attention by decision makers and the public worldwide. With this in mind, the World Environment Day will be celebrated the first week of June 2007 through the following events:
Street celebrations
Sofie Prize award
International conferenceCourses, education
Ecumenical ceremonyPublicationsYouth film festival

Sumber : Google. 


Visit Malaysia: The Orang Utan


Baru-baru ni aku ada terbaca hasil penulisan seorang saintis mengenai kehidupan Orang Utan. Rasanya artikel yang ditulis oleh beliaun sangat bagus untuk dikongsikan bersama. Cubalah baca dan hayati maksudnya.

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The islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java, together with the Malay Peninsula stand on a shallow submarine continental extension called 'The Sunda Shelf'. These islands are inhabited by faunas which have much in common, but that of Borneo is distinctive, with about 40 mammals that are endemic; i.e. they exist nowhere else in the world. The island of Borneo is in the Malay Archipelago, southeast of the Malay Peninsula and southwest of the Philippine Islands. The population is 10,184,443 (1984 est.).It is divided into four political regions: Kalimantan, the largest, is Indonesian; SABAH (North Borneo) and SARAWAK are part of Malaysia; and tiny BRUNEI, formerly a British protectorate, gained independence in 1984.Borneo, with a length of 1,336 km (830 mi) and a maximum width of about 965 km (600 mi), is the third largest island in the world and lies across the equator in Southeast Asia. Its area is more than 743,107sq km (286,914 sq mi).

Borneo is mountainous and thick with rain forest. In the northeast, the mountains reach their greatest height; among these, Mount Kinabalu rises 4,101 m (13,455 ft). A long ridge of mountains also covers the central part of Borneo. The natural habitats of almost all the wild land mammals are found here. It is a shame to see most of these forests disappear to give way to man-made concrete jungles and plantations.

A poem I wrote in 1978 :-

A modern world of urbanizationcreated jungles of concrete contortion.
Impersonal people infest these places,a sea of nothing but indifferent faces.
People never have time to say,"Hello, good morning, how are you today?"
Factories, mills, industrializationcreated skylines of smoke pollution.
Cancerous air that seem no harmslowly killing mother nature's charm.
Vanishing species that cry out in sorrow"Save us for children of tomorrow."
Automobiles and transportationcreated junkyards of iron defecation.
Empty shells that once had utilityrusty reflections of man's futility.
Struggling now to earn his bread,but who remembers when he's dead?

The conservation of wild life is of utmost importance.There are two types of conservation:

(a)the preservation of of the natural environment

(b)the legal protection of animals

In Malaysia, the Protection of Wildlife Act 1973 gives protection to many species of mammals and licences issued by the Game Department are necessary even for common species. 78% of Malaysia's mammals are confined to primary and tall secondary forests and 81% are restricted to areas below 600 metres. This means that the lowland forests are crucial for the continued survival of most Malaysian mammals. Their continued existence depends on the preservation of these areas.

The last of the great apes found outside Africa is the tree-dwelling ORANG-UTAN, one of the world's most extraordinary animal. It is a fascinating but unfortunately an endangered creature of the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo, it has roughly the bulk of a man. Man and ape have been in conflict for years and the future conservation of orang-utans is definitely of international concern. Rehabilitation centres have been set up at Ketambe in Sumatara and at Sepilok in Sandakan, Sabah, where illegally domesticated orang-utans are confiscated from their owners and only after successful rehabilitation are released into the wild. Their ability to lead an independent life in the wild is largely a matter of education imparted by the mother, so a tame one without rehabilitation, released and abandoned in the jungle will soon die.

Sumber- Google

Visit Malaysia: Tropical Moist Climate


Artikel ini mengenai iklim Tropika di Malaysia.
In an average year in a tropical rain forest, the climate is very humid because of all the rainfall, which amounts to about 250 cm per year. The rain forest has lots of rain because it is very hot and wet. This climate is found near the equator. That means that there is more direct sunlight hitting the land and sea there than anywhere else. The sun warms the land and sea and the water evaporates into the air. The warm air can hold a lot of water vapor. As the air rises, it cools. That means it can hold less water vapor. Then as warm meets cold, condensation takes place and the vapor forms droplets, and clouds form. The clouds then produce rain. It rains more than ninety days a year and the strong sun usually shines between the storms. The water cycle repeats often along the equator. The main plants in this biome are trees. A lot of the rain that falls on the rain forest never reaches the ground. It stays on the trees because the leaves act as a shield, and some rain never gets past the trees to the smaller plants and grounds below. Trees in this climate reach a height of more than 164 feet. They form a canopy. The forest floor is called understory. The canopy also keeps sunlight from reaching the plants in the understory. Between the canopy and understory is a lower canopy made up of smaller trees. These plants do receive some filtered sunlight.
The tropical rain forest is classified as Af meaning tropical forest The A is given to tropical climates that are moist for all months which have average temperatures above 18 degrees Celsius. The f stands for sufficient precipitation for all months. The latitude range for rainforest climate is 15° to 25° North and South of the equator.
The annual precipitation of a rain forest is greater than 150 cm. In only a month the rain forest receives 4 inches of rain. The rain forest is different from a lot of other climates. In other climates, the evaporation is carried away to fall as rain in far off areas, but in the rain forests, 50 % of the precipitation comes from its own evaporation.
The average temperature of a rain forest is about 77° Fahrenheit. The rain forest is about the same temperature year round. The temperature never drops below 64° Fahrenheit. Rain forests are so hot because they are found near the equator. The closer to the equator you are, the more solar radiation there is. The more solar radiation there is, the hotter it is. Rain forest are never found in climates which have temperatures 32° Fahrenheit and below because the plant life will not be able to live because they aren't adapted to frost. All the plants will die out if the rain forest is cooler.

The plants that make up the understory of a rainforest have adapted to the small amount of sunlight that they receive. Ferns and mosses do well, along with epiphytes. These are plants that grow on other plants. They can be found growing on branches of tall trees where they can get sunlight. There are many different plant species found in the rain forest.

Sumber; Google. 

Visit Malaysia: Islands & Beaches Of Malaysia


Another good writing on Malaysia. Source from Google:-

On 17 December 2002, The International Court of Justice (ICJ) concluded that sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan belongs to Malaysia. Both islands are highly attractive destinations waiting to be discovered.

Ligitan Island

Ligitan island is surrounded by very large reefs which forms the Ligitan group islands on the edge of the continental shelf. While Sipadan has achieved worldwide fame, Ligitan island is the great 'secret' of the international diving community. It is the thrill of diving in unexplored waters that brings the world's best divers here to sample Nature in her most pristine form.

The underwater scene here is completely different from Sipadan's. It is a macroworld of great interest featuring rare fauna including dragonets, fire gobies, wasp or leaf fish, gurnards, the odd 'little dragonfish' or seamoth, the tame crocodile fish, giant frogfish, blue-ringed octopus, ribbon eels, mantis shrimp and crab-eye gobies, to name just a few. Indeed, the Ligitan group is regarded as one of the world's top destinations for underwater nature photography. There is certainly no shortage of subject matter!

The many other unexplored reefs here offer great potential, and with the growth of a tourism infrastructure, this island will soon offer their delights to more and more travelers from around the world.

Sipadan Island

'I have seen other places like Sipadan-45 years ago-but no more. Now, we have found again an untouched piece of art.' That is how Jacques Costeau, the legendary French undersea explorer, described his first visit to Sipadan.
Little wonder the island is considered one of the tip five diving destinations in the world. It offers swirling tornados of barracudas, jacks and hammerhead sharks, schools of brilliantly-hued reef fish and dozens of sea turtles swimming placidly in the crystal-clear waters. More than 3000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this richest of ecosystems.

Sipadan lies five degrees north of the equator in the Sulawesi Sea (Celebes Sea). Like many tropical islands it is heavily forested and surrounded by sandy beaches. Sipadan was formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct undersea volcano, which rises 600 meters from the seabed.

A unique feature of Sipadan is the so-called 'turtle tomb', an underwater limestone cave with a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers that contain the skeletons of turtles than became disoriented and then drowned. Divers can and do explore this cavern, but caution is advised!

April through October is the best time to visit. The rainy season is November to March. The water temperature ranges from 79 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (26oC to 30oC) year round.

Sumber- Google.

Visit Malaysia: Birds of Malaysia


Mungkin ada yang tidak mengenali spesis-spesis burung yang ada di Malaysia, di sini ada beberapa spesis burung yang sering kelihatan di mana-mana saja;-

Bayan Nuri, Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)

Sized between 40 cm to 42 cm. The males have reddish sides of head with black mandible. They have green crown, dull blue wings and pale blue-green back, with long, blue-purple and narrow tail-feathers. Females are with green nape; darker green crown and upperparts. They have dull ginger bill and dark green narrow band. Tail-feathers are much shorter. Juveniles have pink face with duller green narrow band. The bird usually frequent open green wide leaves forest such as peat swamp forests, secondary growth, mangrove swamps, and lowland areas. They breed between December and July. Lays 2-3 white eggs, sized 30.6 mm X 24.7 mm and they nest in holes in tall trees, 4 meters - 45 meters above the ground. They frequent Andaman and Nicobar Island, Sumatera, Borneo, Southeast Asia, south Myanmar, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore.

Kelicap Bukit, Olive-backed Sunbird (Nectarinia jugularis)

They are very small, sized at 11.5 cm in length. The upperparts of a male are dull olive brown, metallic blue-black forehead, throat and upper breast (with red stripe edge), contrasting with bright yellow underparts, and white undertail. The females have a de-curved bill, with all yellow underparts and all white tail. The bird is common in deciduous woodland, secondary forests, marshes, mangrove swamps, coastal scrubs, gardens, and vegetations, up to 915 meters. They build a flimsy hanging pear-shaped nest with an overhanging porch at the entrance; at 1 meters - 9 meters above ground. Lay two grey (greenish or pure grey) eggs speckled with light purple-brown or deep purple-brown spots; sized at 16.6 mm X 11.5 mm on average. Found in the Andamans and Nicobars Island, West and South China, Greater Sunda Islands, West Lesser Sunda Islands, the Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas, New Guinea, North Melanesia, Northeast Australia and also found in Southeast Asia, except for North Myanmar.

Merbah Beringin, Ochraceous Bulbul (Alophoixus ochraceus)

Sized between 19 cm to 22 cm. The adults are puff-throated, with small and short upright crest. Have warm brown upperparts, with yellow absent from the lowerparts. They frequent evergreen forest, up to 1,525 meters. Normally found in the mid canopy strata of the forest. Usually in pairs or small flocks. Their breeding period is between February and April. A typical clutch of two slightly glossy pinkish-white and almond red eggs, measures 25 mm X 17.5 mm. They are laid in deep cup-shaped nests, 2.4 meters from ground. They are found to reside throughout Sumatra and Borneo. Widespread in Southeast Asia; West, Southwest and South Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Northwest Kingdom of Cambodia.

Murai Batu, White-rumped Shama (Copsychus malabaricus)

Sized between 21.5 cm and 28 cm. The head, breast and upperparts of the males are iridescent blue-black. The underparts are dark orange-rufous. The females are similar to the males, but they have a more greyish coloration and not blue-black, duller, with a reddish-brown underparts. The juveniles have pale yellow blotchy upperpart, with pale yellow spots on the wing plumage, wide pale yellow blotches are also present at the tips of their wings, as well as their neck and they have a dark diluted yellow breast. They can be located in broadleaved evergreen and mixed deciduous forest, secondary forest, bamboo forest, at the height of 1,525 meters. They are great bathers and their plumage is usually kept in immaculate condition. They breed between the months of March and September. Their nests are near cup-shaped nests, inside hollowed tree trunk or on bamboo culms, 2 meters from ground and they lay 4 to 5 green and blue-green eggs. Resident in India, Southwest and South China, Greater Sunda and Southeast Asia.

Pacat Bukit, Banded Pitta (Pitta guajana)

Sized between 21 cm - 24 cm. The male is easily recognizable for its black crown and black eye-stripes. There are bright yellow lateral crown-stripes and malar-stripes, which turns into reddish-orange on the upper back. Their breast to their lower belly is bluish-black with orange streaks, which are especially visible on its chest and the sides. While the female chests are white, they have grey lower belly. They have fine black stripes on the white feathers. Their upperback is reddish-orange but duller than the male. The young birds have dark brown chest with grey mottling or fine grey streaks. Banded Pittas are endemic in virgin and logged lowland forests, up to 610 meters. Birds are in reproductive condition from February until November. Lay between two to five glossy white eggs. Their nests are round with an opening at the side, built on palm trees or in between young trees, 3 meters from ground. They are a resident species of Greater Sunda, South Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia between the months of March and September. Their nests are near cup-shaped nests, inside hollowed tree trunk or on bamboo culms, 2 meters from ground and they lay 4 to 5 green and blue-green eggs. Resident in India, Southwest and South China, Greater Sunda Islands and Southeast Asia.

Pergam Besar, Imperial Pigeon (Ducula aenea)

Sized between 42 cm to 47 cm, they are large plump pigeons. Their back wings and tail are iridescent red-almond. They have dull grey-grape crown, neck and underparts, dark almond undertail coverts. Mostly found near riverine, forages in small groups, feeding on plant material in the tree canopy and is recognized by its deep resonant call. They breed between the months of January and May, as well as September. Their nest are poorly constructed flat platform of twigs in a tree and sometimes on bamboo clumps, at a height of 10 meters from ground. Lays 1-2 white eggs, measuring 45.5 mm X 33.5 mm on average.

Punai Tanah, Green-winged Pigeon (Chalcophaps indica)

Medium sized bird, 25 cm in length. The males have blue-grey crown and nape with white forehead and eyebrow. Their bill is red. They have bright iridescent metallic green mantle with white scapulars. Head and underparts are vinous-pinkish. Have two prominent white transverse bars on the rump. The females have duller grey crown, with white shoulder patch absent. Young birds are darker colored with small yellowish brown stripes and unlike the adults which have greenish wings. Can be found in lowland dipterocarp forests and coniferous forests, up to 1,500 meters. Would usually perch under tree cover. They will scuttle quickly at the slightest hint of danger and they often venture out to forage. The bird can be found in Indian Subcontinent (except for Pakistan), China, Taiwan, Sunda Islands, Philippines, Peninsular Malaysia, Celebes, Moluccas, New Guinea, Australia, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island.

Tekukur, Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)

Sized between 30 cm and 31 cm. The crown and the sides of adult's head are grey, have a grey-auburn tinge on the upperpart and are long black broadly streaked, which are iridescent bordered. The nape of its neck is black spotted with white. Have pinkish-brown underparts. In flight, they reveal the white tips of their outer tail feathers. The juveniles are of darker auburn. Have duller grey crown and plumage on their wings. They lack color on collar/neck with small brownish dull yellow stripes. Common and widespread in open grassland, secondary forests. Also found in scrub, vegetations and gardens, up to 2,040 meters. They breed all year round, multi-brooded. Their nest is a flimsy stick platform in a tree, tall bush, or on bamboo cluster. They lay 2 to 3 white eggs, sized 26.9 mm X 20.8 mm on average.

Sumber; Google

Visit Malaysia: Protected Mammals In Malaysia


Malaysia yang terkenal dengan kepelbagaian biodiversiti menjadi tumpuan dan tarikan pelancong dari seluruh dunia. Walau bagaimanapun sekiranya kepelbagaian ini tidak dijaga dan dipelihara, maka tidak mustahil suatu hari nanti ia akan lenyap ditelan zaman. Sehubungan itu, beberapa langkah perlu di ambil bagi melindungi haiwan-haiwan yang kian pupus daripada terus lenyap dari muka bumi.

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Malaysia's civets, otters, weasels, martens and porcupines may not be as well-known as other Malaysian mammals such as the elephant, tiger or tapir with which they share our forests. They are, nonetheless, interesting and often unusual animals, ranging from treetop to aquatic acrobats, from stealthy nocturnal hunters to peaceful vegetarians.
The Yellow-Throated Marten (Martes flavigula) ranks among Malaysia's most elegant and graceful mammals. The Malaysian variant has a brown belly and flanks, while the chest and throat are a striking creamy-white to canary yellow. Its diet includes insects, birds (and their eggs), lizards and amphibians.
The Large Spotted Civet (Viverra megaspila, Blyth) is believed to forage entirely on the ground as it has never been observed on trees. It eats small mammals, eggs and some vegetation. It is a solitary animal and tends to be aggressive towards members of its own species. Large Spotted Civets are found in lowland forests throughout Malaysia and are best spotted at night as they spend the day sleeping in thick vegetation.

The Malay Weasel (Mustela nudipes) is known locally as 'pulasan tanah'. This species can be found in both Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo, although it is never present in large numbers. Although small physically, it is, like most weasels, a fearless predator which tackles birds, mice and frogs. It gives birth to 1-4 young ones.

Malaysia's freshwater and coastal areas, especially mangroves and peat swamp forests, are home to the Hairy-Nosed Otter (Lutra sumatrana, Gray). It feeds on crustaceans and fish, being an excellent swimmer with fully webbed feet. It is rarely encountered, but has been recorded in Penang's waters; there may also be a population in Kuala Gula, Perak. It has been observed that the male likes to take part in the rearing of the young.

The Long-Tailed Porcupine (Trichys lipura) is the smallest of the four Malaysian porcupine species and can be mistaken at a glance for an oversized rat - until one notices the large tuft of stiff hairs at the end of its long tail. The Large Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) on the other hand is a large species, growing up to 7 kg in weight. Porcupines are largely nocturnal animals and are peaceful unless provoked by a predator into using their sharp quills in self-defense. Both of these porcupines can be found throughout Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.

While some of these animals, such as the large Spotted Civet, may still be relatively common, few are privileged enough to see others, like the Hairy-Nosed Otter or Yellow-Throated Marten, in the wild. These mammal species are all protected by law, in order to conserve a truly worthwhile part of Malaysia's natural heritage. Long may they endure.

Sumber: Google. 

Visit Malaysia: Rare Reptiles of Malaysia


Satu lagi artikel menarik mengenai species reptilia di Malaysia:-

Today, there are hundreds of species of reptiles in Malaysia. The major groups being crocodiles, turtles, snakes, lizards and frogs. All reptiles are cold-blooded, which is why they warm themselves in the sun, and have bodies covered in dry, horny scales. Some reptiles lay eggs; others give birth to live young.
All reptiles are vertebrates, animal with backbones. They are low to the ground, and all except snakes and a few lizards have four legs.
The size of reptiles can range from the very tiniest of frogs that are smaller than a person's thumbnail to crocodiles that are several meters long. An astonishing fact of these species is their ability to glide from tree to tree or from a tree to the forest floor.
The Harlequin Monitor (Varanus dumerilii) is a fairly large monitor that can demonstrate an incredible shyness when observed. The juvenile Harlequin Monitor tends to be more colorful than the adult. This is due to its bold orange-colored head, which however disappears with growth. Its diet includes insects such as termites, ants, cockroaches and so on. This lizard inhibits Southern West Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.
The rare Rough-necked Monitor (Varanus rudicollis) is characterized by its greatly enlarged, strongly kneeled neck scales that are arranged in 10-12 longitunal series. It is dark with crossbands and reddish areas on the side of the neck. Reaching 120 cm in total, this arboreal monitor inhibits Southern West Malaysia and Borneo.
The Great Anghehead Lizard (Gonocephalus grandis) is amazing to observe in the wild because of its incredible camouflage when blending into the environment. A crest runs down the length of the male lizard's body, and some have spikes over the large dewlaps. This lizard is usually blue in color, but can vary in different situations. This species occurs in the far south of Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra and in Borneo.
Estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), the largest of all the crocodile species, can be found in such extensive places that range from Eastern India, Southern China through Malaysia and the Philippines to Northern Australia and the Pacific Islands. This crocodile usually inhibits river estuaries and coastal regions including mangroves and remote beaches. It feeds on various vertebrates including fish, water birds and various mammals.
The Five-banded Gliding Lizard (Draco quinquefasciatus) is a medium-sized lizard that inhibits lowland primary rainforest, often close to swamps or other water bodies. This species is easily identified by the five dark bands across the live green dorsum and patagium. It often stays at the base of tree trunks to feed on ants, termites and other small insects. This species ranges from Southern Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia, to Sumatra and Borneo.

Sumber: Google 

11th ASEAN Summit


Another good article to share.

Malaysia is host to the 11th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits from 12 to 14 December 2005. As the Chair of the 39th ASEAN Standing Committee, it is Malaysia's turn to host the annual Summit. The Kuala Lumpur Convention Center has been selected to be the venue of the Summits. The event comprises eight summits altogether held back-to-back, which are, the 11th ASEAN Summit, the 9th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, the 9th ASEAN-China Summit, the 9th ASEAN-Japan Summit, the 9th ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit, the 4th ASEAN-India Summit, the Inaugural ASEAN-Russia Summit and the First East Asia Summit.

The theme of this year's Summit is "One Vision, One Identity, One Community". It reflects ASEAN's vision of maintaining the principles outlined in the 1967 Bangkok Declaration and achieving the goals set out in the 2003 Bali Concord II of establishing as ASEAN Community comprising the three pillars, ASEAN Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. We also aspire an ASEAN Community of one identity based on common principles and shared values. The theme is also in line with Malaysia's aim, as Chairman of the 39th ASEAN Standing Committee, to create a people-oriented environment for ASEAN by increasing public awareness of ASEAN.

The Petronas Twin Towers were chosen as the Logo as it is believed that the twin structure symbolizes the spirit of ASEAN where its ten number countries move together in tandem towards greater development while working to bridge the development gaps within ASEAN and between ASEAN and its Dialogue Partners. The ASEAN logo in the middle of the apex of the towers symbolizes ASEAN as a regional body, ASEAN integration and ASEAN being in the driver's seat in relations with the Dialogue Partners.

The Summits allow Leaders of 17 ASEAN Member Countries and Dialogue Partners the opportunity to come together to exchange views on ways to enhance and advance the existing cooperation. The First East Asia Summit is an avenue for ASEAN to engage with countries from the world at large. The Summits also allow Malaysia to introduce some new initiatives during our Chairmanship, with the main one being creating greater public awareness of ASEAN among the peoples of ASEAN through people-oriented activities.

Psttt: Sumber Google


Visit Malaysia: Wildlife in the Malaysian Forest


Terjumpa satu artikel yang sangat menarik untuk dikongsikan bersama. Please read and feel the proudness :)

The Malaysian rainforest is home to a great variety of wildlife. More than 200 known species of mammals roam the forest, from the mighty elephants to the littlest mousedeers, and the ferocious tigers to the shy tapirs. Apart from these, there are also various other animals that are equally interesting. Of birds themselves, more than 600 species have been identified, including the large Hornbill to the tiny Hummingbird. In addition to that, there are reptiles and fish, and thousands of insects. Indeed, the wildlife in Malaysia represents a rich heritage for us to cherish and to protect.
Buceros Rhinoceros (Enggang Badak)
The majestic Buceros Rhinoceros (Enggang Badak) inhabit the tops of the tallest trees, and usually live in pairs. Its beak and casque are distinctly colored orange and red. The birds primarily eat fruit and their favorite is figs. When the hornbills spread its wings and fly overhead, it produces loud flapping sounds. The population of the Rhinoceros hornbill is in decline, except in a few reserves.
Tapirus Indicus (Cipan)

The Tapirus Indicus are very shy animals, and usually lives near permanent water sources in the forest. It is easily recognized by its black head and forelegs, white middle, and black hind legs. It has a very short tail and its nose is elongated into a short trunk. The nocturnal Cipans usually lead solitary lives, except when it is the mating season. The young remains with its mother for six to eight months. They mostly eat leaves and other undergrowth plants.

Muntiacus Muntjak (Kijang)

The Muntiacus Muntjak (Kijang) has short, soft hairs ranging from deep brown to gray-brown with creamy markings. The males have short antlers - that are shed annually - and tusk-like upper canine teeth. They eat sprouts, fruits, seeds, birds' eggs, small animals and carrion. The Kijang are also called barking deer for their warning call that sounds like a dog's bark. The solitary males are extremely territorial, and will fight for females or territory using antlers or even the more dangerous canines.
Tragulus Napu (Napuh)

Napuh (Tragulus Napu) is orangey-brown in colour, with lightly grizzled black hindquarters. The head is triangular with a series of white markings on the neck. Instead of horns or antlers, the males have elongated upper canines or tusks which look like fangs. The legs are extremely thin and delicate, and they move through thick bush using tiny, tunnel-like trails. The Napuh are nocturnal, and hence rarely seen. Their diet consists of buds, leaves and fruit.
Bos Javanicus (Banteng)
The Bos Javanicus (Banteng) have white "stocking" on their lower legs, a white rump, a white muzzle, and white spots above the eyes. The males can be distinguished from the females by their horns. Females have short and tightly curved horns, while the males have long horns that are curved upwards. The banteng is usually active during day or night, but in areas with human encroachment, they have become nocturnal. These wild cattle are very shy and are hard to approach. They move in herds of 2-40 animals with a single mature male, and eat mostly grass, leaves and shoots.
Bos Gaurus (Seladang)
The Bos Gaurus (Seladang) is muscular and has striking light eyes. Adult males are shiny black with cream-colored leggings and rump patch, while young males and females are medium to dark brown with the same markings. The Seladang has a large hump at the shoulders and sturdy legs. Males can weigh up to 2,100 pounds. They move in herds with 6-20 animals, comprising few old bulls, juveniles, and adult cows with calves. The Seladang usually feeds in the afternoon on dry grasses, young shoots, and the fruits of bushes and trees.
Panthera Tigris (Harimau)
The Panthera Tigris (Harimau) is the largest among cat species. It is perhaps the most majestic animal and also very endangered, with not more than a few hundred left in the Peninsular. Tiger coats range from rusty orange to yellow orange in color, with its underbody and face being creamy to white, flanked by large vertical stripes. Tigers are solitary hunters and very excellent swimmers. They often chase their prey down into the water. Tigers eat almost anything that they can catch like rabbits, wild boar, deer, buffalo, young elephants, rhinos, waterfowl, and elk, that makes up the majority of their diet. Tigers hide and wait for their prey, and pounce when they are close, killing with a lethal bite to the back of the throat.
Elephas Maximus (Gajah)
The Elephas Maximus (Gajah) or Asian elephants are smaller than their African cousins, and have only a single "finger" at the tip of the trunk (instead of two). The skin color varies from grey to brown and the large males can have tusks up to one metre long. Asian female elephants do not bear tusks. The elephants roam the monsoon forest and eat a wide variety of plants including bananas, palms, barks and leaves from a wide variety of trees and shrubs. Asian elephants are quite sociable, moving in herds of about 20 or more. The elephants are matriarchal, led by the oldest female in search of food and water. Elephants are also tamed to carry out logging work.

Psstt: Sumber Google.



You Should Not Quit


Something to share. 

When things go wrong as they usually will,
When the track you're climbing feels all uphill,
When you're salaries are low and your debts are too high;
You would want to smile but you'd have to sigh.

When care is making you down a bit,
Rest if you need to but do not quit.
Life is hard with its own twists and turns,
As sometimes everyone of us learns.

When many a failure turns inside out,
When you could have won if you had turned about.
Do not give up even when steps are slow,
You just may succeed with another blow.

Success comes from failure on the inside to out,
With that silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
You may never tell how close you are,
It could be near even if it feels so far,
So stick to with your greatest,
strongest and hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse that you should not quit!



Visit Malaysia 2007! (again?)


Today’s hot spots that I choose are Orchid’s Garden, Hibiscus’s Garden and Bird’s Park which is located in the middle of the unique city, Kuala Lumpur. I went to these places last week, with my fren Danny. At first we went there just to fulfill the emptiness of our weekend rather than sitting at home and do nothing, but then when I personally arrived there, I realize that these places are so great! The fee to enter this paradise is only RM1! And it was so worth it. For flower lover, they can experience showcases more thousands of international varieties of the most beautiful flower in the world especially orchid. The garden contains over 800 species from Malaysia alone! Orchids are for sale on weekends from 10am to 6pm. Look at the pictures attached and you can feel the amazingness of these places. A small terraced garden which provides a strikingly colorful panorama of countless varieties of hibiscus will wait for you!

Something makes me shock when I read the information board in front of the Bird’s park entrance which is mentioning that the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is the largest bird park in South-East Asia, and holds thousands of birds representing nearly every major species of this part of the world. Isn’t it great? Oh ya, I forgot to tell here that we also went to the Malaysian National Monument which is also known as one of the world's largest freestanding bronze sculptures. The monument commemorates those who died in Malaysia's struggle against Communist insurgency in the 1950s. Beside the National Monument are the ASEAN Gardens and the Memorial Tun Razak, which houses memorabilia of Malaysia's second Prime Minister, the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein. Hmm…Even it sounds very patriotic, I think these experiences should be gained on every Malaysian citizens. Until the next experience…

Pstt: Sorry no pictures.  



Visit Malaysia 2007!


Something happened on last Saturday? What huh? But, when I saw our beloved Prime Minister, push of a button, a 60-metre high Ferris wheel, unveiled, dubbed "Eye on Malaysia", to mark the opening of the much anticipated Visit Malaysia Year (VMY) 2007 campaign. It was so luxurious moment to open the year of 2007 with such a great presentation of cultural and heritage of Malaysia!

What a wet welcome it was for Visit Malaysia Year 2007! Floods ravaged six States and many towns and villages were submerged in muddy water. I hope this year become a great start to Malaysia in order to introduce and show our specialties to the outsider and make our country well known in the eye of the world! Welcome To Malaysia!