Travel in absolute comfort - Malaysia Airlines #KelilingDunia

Assalammualaikum... Some updates about Malaysia Airlines Bhd. (sebab dapat surat cinta dari Ezra ;p) Thank you MAB for the latest info , dah boleh start berangan dah sekarang kot-kot ada Tansree nak taja naik flight baru ni kan? *tangan di bahu mata menjeling ke langit* On Tuesday, 22 nd March 2016, Malaysia Airlines unveiled its first A330-300 aircraft fitted with the new Business Class seats at its Engineering Complex in Sepang. The new seats has taken off on its first flight, MH141, from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney on 23 March 2016. The launch event was officiated by Malaysia Airlines’ Chief Commercial Officer, Paul Simmons, who was joined by the airline’s staff, invited guests as well as members of the media. All guests were given the opportunity to experience the fully revamped Business Class cabin. Here are some cool facts on those seats; Measures at 44 inches, with a width of 20 inches, and a length of 76 inches when it’s laid out flat. One of the best re...