

Yesterday I just went trough my photo folder called "Ayin's Pic" to refresh my memories about anything that I've done before in the past few years.. and I stuck to these photos that I used to call "Zaman Kegelapan". Huhuhuhu

Why those photos, have such a nickname???? It remind me on the time after study and I not really have a true job yet.. but I enjoy working there as a facilitator and its gain me experiences that I can't bought in other places.

I miss PSN!!!!... those pic was taken during the school holidays and one of the great crowds came from the International School at Bukit Damansara.

"Sometimes, memories can make we think about the future"

Tribute to all my x-PSN mates...
  1. Kaka Zima a.k.a rambaldee??? A matured woman with hyper attitude. Very nice person and really enjoy hanging out with her.
  2. Jun, a good person indeed. A thousand reason to know him as well.
  3. Salam...he used to be my good friend at one time lalalalala.
  4. Others..Ed, Mior, Zaida etc..sorry can't elaborate much about all of u... but the memories still fresh inside my mind.


  1. alamak bi seh..susah tuk ku mengertinya..hehehe

  2. ZamaN keGeLaPaN??? TaK seSwai JuGaK... Tu KaN meNiMba PeNGaLamaN :D

  3. Hiroshi:: sekali sekala BI. Hehehe, nak tulis dlm BA setakat cukup2 mkn je masa spm dulu kuikuikui!

  4. Cikyanie:: bukan cekgu la. X layak jd cekgu pon...

  5. mmg seronok kalau zaman itu dikenang2.. pahit ke manis ke pedas ke masam ke memangtakkan dilupakan...

  6. MasMZ:: Zaman Kegelapan la tu..apa lagi... ish ko ni asyik tak seswai je ..apa daaaaaaaa!!!

  7. Anap:: Tu zaman dolu-dolu la anap...keje jadi penjaga kandang kucing dan taman burung hehehehe. Skg ni keje huhuhuh ...MENCABAR.

  8. Saya:: Yup betol tu saya, pengalaman mengajar erti kehidupan..cewah...

  9. cik JaNGGeL... tu caM maSa BeRGuMBiRa :D
    (TaPi DaLaM HaTi SaPe LaRR YaNG TaHu KaN?? MueheHe)...

    * OKLaRR I TaRiK BaLik PeRkaTaaN TaK SeSwai Tu, LeH?? HeHEhE

  10. Cik MASMZ:: Huhuhu memang le agak bergumbira di situ..tapi dalam hati dok pening pikir bilelah nak dapat keje tetap... huhuhuhuhuhuhu.. tarikan mu diterima .


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