
Showing posts with the label Visit Malaysia

Kempen Visit Malaysia 2026: Maskot Beruang Matahari Yang Wow!

Bila dengar pasal kempen Visit Malaysia 2026 ni, terus rasa excited! Lagi best bila tahu maskot rasmi dia adalah beruang matahari yang beri nama Wira dan Manja, haiwan comel dan unik yang memang sinonim dengan Malaysia. Rasa macam keputusan ni sangat tepat sebab ia bukan saja menonjolkan keindahan biodiversiti negara, tapi juga ingatkan kita tentang pentingnya menjaga alam sekitar.   Beruang matahari ni rare tau, tak semua negara ada. Jadi, dia memang pilihan yang sempurna untuk tunjukkan betapa specialnya Malaysia. Dengan muka dia yang comel dan senyum manis tu, confirm menarik perhatian pelancong, dari dalam dan luar negara.   Tapi, tak boleh hanya bergantung pada maskot comel je. Harapnya kempen ni akan betul-betul tingkatkan kesedaran tentang kepentingan jaga hidupan liar dan pelancongan lestari. Kalau nak tarik pelancong, biar mereka nampak Malaysia ni bukan saja cantik, tapi juga prihatin dengan alam sekitar.   Overall, rasa bangga tengok usaha ni. Harap Visit Malay...

Pulau Redang, Terengganu:Trip Ke Pulau Redang - Bahagian IV

Assalammualaikum!!! Waduh..waduh... masih sukar untuk aku melupakan kenangan indah di sana! bagaimana ye, buat apa nak lupakan..just jadikan ia sebagai satu memori yang indah untuk dikenang dikala kesengsaraan melanda! Cheeewah.. Hari terakhir di Pulau redang, pagi tu masing-masing bangun lewat..tapi tak la selewat mana pon. Tak ada aktiviti khusus yang dijadualkan untuk kami. so agak relaks la. Selepas bersiap-siap dan berkemas. Kami pon keluar untuk bersarapan pagi (Aku, deennasour , Fadli dan Budiman). Ni last breakfast kami di Laguna, so gunakan sepuas-puasnya. Tapi dalam kepala otak terfikir jugak, kalau mabuk laut nanti habis terkeluar semula benda-benda yang aku makan tu, macm apa yang berlaku pada anak mat salleh pada hari pertama haritu. Ah belasah je lah, kami ersarapan sehingga jam sepuluh setengah. Selepas selesai bersarapan pagi, kami pulang semula ke bilik untuk mengambil bagasi-bagasi yang ditinggalkan. Setelah semua berkumpul di lobi, kami diberi sedikit peneranga...

Pulau Redang, Terengganu:Trip Ke Pulau Redang - Bahagian III

Assalammualaikum!!! Hari kedua berada di Pulau Redang..Fuh tido semalam memang syok! Sampai kami sebilik semua bangun lewat. Adui ..pagi-pagi lagi dah berlaku kejadian yang tidak diingini. Mengikut program, akan ada satu sesi snorkling dekat Taman Laut. Wah best tuh..dengar-dengar cerita ikan-kan kat situ memang luar biasa! Berwarna-warni! Tapi.... Kami punya la bersiap sakan, siap brekfast lagi araund 905am. Masa tu aku dengan Deennasour je pergi breakfast, Budiman dan Fadli rasanya masih beradu di atas katil. Kat dewan makan kami pun terserempak la dengan member-menber lain, Sam, Wendy, Rex, dll lagila. So kiranya lega la, ingatkan dah lambat.. Time kami tengah makan diorang pun dah beransur...sempat lagi si Sam bagitau kat aku suruh cepat, diorang tunggu kat lobi. Aku ngan Deennasour pon melajukan pemakanan pagi kami. Bile turun ke lobi, aku dan Deennasour nampak la diorang semua dah mula bergerak ke jeti, so aku fikir sempat lagi la lalu aku dan Deennasour pulang ke...

Pulau Redang, Terengganu: Trip Ke Pulau Redang - Bahagian II

Assalammualaikum!!! Sambung lagi. Sejuk betol hari ni... dah la aku lupa nak bawa baju sejuk. Takpe lah, kene tahan.Biasa-biasakan diri yer, nanti nak pegi oversea senang! Aku nak sambung lagi citer pasal trip ke Pulau Redang. Macam-macam perkara berlaku masa naik bot tu. Yang paling kritkal ialah aku mengalami mabuk laut! Adus..belum pernah aku alami perkara sebegitu. Paling teruk, budak mat saleh depan aku dah memuntahkan makanannya yang aku rasa macam ada kentang goreng dan double cheese burger yang dimakan masa breakfast pagi tadi. Aku pon apa lagi, memang dah tak tertahan dah, lantas ku ambil jacjket ku dan ku kaburi pandanganku dengan jacket tersebut. Nyaris-nyaris tersembur aku..takpe aku masih mampu bertahan. Punya la lama perjalanan naik bot ke Pulau Redang, ku fikirkan setengan jam je.. rupanya dekat sejam lebih! Ditambah pula dengan insiden penahanan oleh Jabatan Laut. Aduh, sudahla lautan bergelora, bila bot berhenti lagi la terasa kegeloraannya tuh! Cepat la sampai ...

Pulau Redang, Terengganu: Trip Ke Pulau Redang - Bahagian 1

Assalammualaikum! Tanggal 4 April 2088, buat pertama kalinya kaki ini dijejakkan ke sebuah pulau yang sangatlah indah. Memang kekaguman terus menyelubungi diri ini tatkala mata terpandang ke arah lautan luas yang membiru dihadapan ku. cewah bahasa yang agak berbunga di situ ye. Sebenarnya dari jam 11.50 malam (3 April 2008) lagi aku dah dah gerakkan diri sepenuhnya untuk ke Pulau Redang. Aku paksa Acid (member terbaek aku sejak belum cukup umor) menghantar aku ke LCCT (lapangan terbang Tambang Murah) yang juga pertama kalu aku jejaki. Mula-mula jenuh jugak fikir, sapelah yang nak menghantar dan menjemput aku di airport nanti. Nak pergi sendiri, tak tau plak nanti nak park kete poshe aku tu kat mana. Secara kebetulan, Acid berkursus di PERMATA, Bangi, apa lagi, akupun menggunakan dia sepenuhnya. (Member umah aku selalunya takda, so takut berlaku kejadian tak diingini di kemudian hari). So malam tu, tepat jam 1130, aku dan Acid pun beraangkatlah membelah Lebuhraya Utara Selatan, ...

Visit Malaysia: Taman Alam Nature Park ~ PART 2

Assalammualaikum! Continued from the previous issue.. "Taman Alam Nature Park". I found this article from Utusan Malaysia dated on 28 March 2008. Please read this article for further information regarding this beautiful place. "KUALA SELANGOR 28 Mac – Jika anda masih mencari-cari lokasi yang keindahan alam semula jadi masih belum tercemar dek arus pembangunan, Taman Alam Kuala Selangor pasti memberi anda pengalaman manis yang sukar dilupakan. Ini kerana alam semula jadinya masih ‘dara’ tanpa sedikit pun pencemaran, sekali gus menjadikan taman tersebut sentiasa mendapat perhatian pelancong tempatan dan asing. Taman seluas 296 hektar itu dibuka pada tahun 1987 dan dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian utama iaitu hutan hujan tropika seluas 201 hektar dan selebihnya merupakan hutan paya bakau. Taman itu diletakkan di bawah pengurusan Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia dan persatuan itu jelas berjaya mengekalkan keindahan alam semulajadinya tanpa sebarang gangguan yang bo...

Visit Malaysia: Taman Alam Nature Park - Kuala Selangor

Assalammualaikum! I went to Taman Alam Nature Park at Kuala Selangor last weekend as part of my compulsory training program (EiMAS) and it was a great experience!. We (trainers) arrived there on saturday afternoon and the program started with nature walk activities. and then at night we went to Kampung Kuantan to watch Kelip-kelip!!! hahahhaha it was so exciting! and in the Sunday evening, the program ended with Nature Hunt and my team manage to be the 2nd runner up of!!! here, i put some photos to share..enjoy!!.  PEACE!!

Visit Malaysia: Priority on conservation - Belum Valley

Assalammualaikum!!! Good article from Google. Just to share good knowledge here:- Lembah Belum or Belum Valley, although remote, is actually a very beautiful place that is rich in wildlife and plant species. This natural heritage site found in the northern region of Perak is virgin land that will please nature lovers. Some of the activities you can participate in include a river safari along the Sara River, on which you can view many hills that have been submerged over the years until now, their hilltops form mere islands in the stream. Jungle trekking is also a favourite activity here and if you are lucky, you might be able to catch sight of some animals in their natural surroundings. They are rather more difficult to spot here because of the density of the forest. There are also aboriginal tribes in the Valley; shy and simple people who are self-sufficient in the wild. There is much adventure, excitement and discovery to be had in the 130,000-plus hectares of the Belum V...

World Environment Day 2007 - "Melting Ice - A Hot Topic?"

Assalammualaikum!  More Article from Google, just to share a good info here:-  Norway is honoured to host the international World Environment Day 2007 celebrations in recognition of the hot topic of melting ice. More than a hundred nations are celebrating this day, and the theme is highly relevant. Ice plays a critical role in shaping our planet's environment. Ice—in the form of sea ice, glaciers, ice caps and snow—reflects some of the sun's heat, cooling the planet. In contrast, the dark surfaces of the open sea and snow-free ground absorb heat., As ice disappears, the earth retains more of the sun’s heat. And as the earth warms up, more ice melts. Through this feedback process, declining ice strengthens global warming. The earth's climate is changing. At the moment this is most noticeable in the Arctic, where the average temperature has risen at twice the rate as in the rest of the world during the past few decades. The reduction of sea ice is likely to have ...

Visit Malaysia: The Orang Utan

Assalammualaikum! Baru-baru ni aku ada terbaca hasil penulisan seorang saintis mengenai kehidupan Orang Utan. Rasanya artikel yang ditulis oleh beliaun sangat bagus untuk dikongsikan bersama. Cubalah baca dan hayati maksudnya. *  *  * The islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java, together with the Malay Peninsula stand on a shallow submarine continental extension called 'The Sunda Shelf'. These islands are inhabited by faunas which have much in common, but that of Borneo is distinctive, with about 40 mammals that are endemic; i.e. they exist nowhere else in the world. The island of Borneo is in the Malay Archipelago, southeast of the Malay Peninsula and southwest of the Philippine Islands. The population is 10,184,443 (1984 est.).It is divided into four political regions: Kalimantan, the largest, is Indonesian; SABAH (North Borneo) and SARAWAK are part of Malaysia; and tiny BRUNEI, formerly a British protectorate, gained independence in 1984.Borneo, with a length of 1,336 k...

Visit Malaysia: Tropical Moist Climate

Assalammualaikum!! Artikel ini mengenai iklim Tropika di Malaysia. In an average year in a tropical rain forest, the climate is very humid because of all the rainfall, which amounts to about 250 cm per year. The rain forest has lots of rain because it is very hot and wet. This climate is found near the equator. That means that there is more direct sunlight hitting the land and sea there than anywhere else. The sun warms the land and sea and the water evaporates into the air. The warm air can hold a lot of water vapor. As the air rises, it cools. That means it can hold less water vapor. Then as warm meets cold, condensation takes place and the vapor forms droplets, and clouds form. The clouds then produce rain. It rains more than ninety days a year and the strong sun usually shines between the storms. The water cycle repeats often along the equator. The main plants in this biome are trees. A lot of the rain that falls on the rain forest never reaches the ground. It stays on the tre...

Visit Malaysia: Islands & Beaches Of Malaysia

Assalammualaikum! Another good writing on Malaysia. Source from Google:- On 17 December 2002, The International Court of Justice (ICJ) concluded that sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan belongs to Malaysia. Both islands are highly attractive destinations waiting to be discovered. Ligitan Island Ligitan island is surrounded by very large reefs which forms the Ligitan group islands on the edge of the continental shelf. While Sipadan has achieved worldwide fame, Ligitan island is the great 'secret' of the international diving community. It is the thrill of diving in unexplored waters that brings the world's best divers here to sample Nature in her most pristine form. The underwater scene here is completely different from Sipadan's. It is a macroworld of great interest featuring rare fauna including dragonets, fire gobies, wasp or leaf fish, gurnards, the odd 'little dragonfish' or seamoth, the tame crocodile fish, giant frogfish, blue...

Visit Malaysia: Birds of Malaysia

Assalammualaikum!! Mungkin ada yang tidak mengenali spesis-spesis burung yang ada di Malaysia, di sini ada beberapa spesis burung yang sering kelihatan di mana-mana saja;- Bayan Nuri, Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda) Sized between 40 cm to 42 cm. The males have reddish sides of head with black mandible. They have green crown, dull blue wings and pale blue-green back, with long, blue-purple and narrow tail-feathers. Females are with green nape; darker green crown and upperparts. They have dull ginger bill and dark green narrow band. Tail-feathers are much shorter. Juveniles have pink face with duller green narrow band. The bird usually frequent open green wide leaves forest such as peat swamp forests, secondary growth, mangrove swamps, and lowland areas. They breed between December and July. Lays 2-3 white eggs, sized 30.6 mm X 24.7 mm and they nest in holes in tall trees, 4 meters - 45 meters above the ground. They frequent Andaman and Nicobar Island, Sumatera, Bo...

Visit Malaysia: Protected Mammals In Malaysia

Assalammualaikum! Malaysia yang terkenal dengan kepelbagaian biodiversiti menjadi tumpuan dan tarikan pelancong dari seluruh dunia. Walau bagaimanapun sekiranya kepelbagaian ini tidak dijaga dan dipelihara, maka tidak mustahil suatu hari nanti ia akan lenyap ditelan zaman. Sehubungan itu, beberapa langkah perlu di ambil bagi melindungi haiwan-haiwan yang kian pupus daripada terus lenyap dari muka bumi. *  *  * Malaysia's civets, otters, weasels, martens and porcupines may not be as well-known as other Malaysian mammals such as the elephant, tiger or tapir with which they share our forests. They are, nonetheless, interesting and often unusual animals, ranging from treetop to aquatic acrobats, from stealthy nocturnal hunters to peaceful vegetarians. The Yellow-Throated Marten (Martes flavigula) ranks among Malaysia's most elegant and graceful mammals. The Malaysian variant has a brown belly and flanks, while the chest and throat are a striking creamy-white to canary yel...

Visit Malaysia: Rare Reptiles of Malaysia

Assalammualaikum!!! Satu lagi artikel menarik mengenai species reptilia di Malaysia:- Today, there are hundreds of species of reptiles in Malaysia. The major groups being crocodiles, turtles, snakes, lizards and frogs. All reptiles are cold-blooded, which is why they warm themselves in the sun, and have bodies covered in dry, horny scales. Some reptiles lay eggs; others give birth to live young. All reptiles are vertebrates, animal with backbones. They are low to the ground, and all except snakes and a few lizards have four legs. The size of reptiles can range from the very tiniest of frogs that are smaller than a person's thumbnail to crocodiles that are several meters long. An astonishing fact of these species is their ability to glide from tree to tree or from a tree to the forest floor. The Harlequin Monitor (Varanus dumerilii) is a fairly large monitor that can demonstrate an incredible shyness when observed. The juvenile Harlequin Monitor tends to be more colorful...

Visit Malaysia: Wildlife in the Malaysian Forest

Assalammualaikum! Terjumpa satu artikel yang sangat menarik untuk dikongsikan bersama. Please read and feel the proudness :) The Malaysian rainforest is home to a great variety of wildlife. More than 200 known species of mammals roam the forest, from the mighty elephants to the littlest mousedeers, and the ferocious tigers to the shy tapirs. Apart from these, there are also various other animals that are equally interesting. Of birds themselves, more than 600 species have been identified, including the large Hornbill to the tiny Hummingbird. In addition to that, there are reptiles and fish, and thousands of insects. Indeed, the wildlife in Malaysia represents a rich heritage for us to cherish and to protect. Buceros Rhinoceros (Enggang Badak) The majestic Buceros Rhinoceros (Enggang Badak) inhabit the tops of the tallest trees, and usually live in pairs. Its beak and casque are distinctly colored orange and red. The birds primarily eat fruit and their favorite is figs. ...