
Sesi Soal Jawab:: Motif???

Waktu sedang melompat dari satu blog ke blog yang lain [kebetulan terasa teramat bosan kerana terlalu banyak kerja] aku pun singgah le ke blog Abang Cikgu yang bernama A.D.A.M. Niat asal nak skodeng aktiviti terbaru Abang Cikgu itu, akhirnya terus terperangkap dengan Tag!

Memandangkan aku punya mood nak jawab tag ni, So....

1. You must answer all the questions.
2. Tag 5 people to do this quiz.

*** Hmmm aku tak nak tag saper-saper dengan alasan supaya orang tak tag aku lagi heheheh!***

1. What's your full name?
Mohd. Janggeltrekker a.k.a Mr. Janggel, Janggel, Janggelism, Janggel all the way...

2. Do you hate someone at this moment?
Yes... mahkluk tuhan yang paling aku benci duduk kat PJ!!! Paling takut terserempak dengan dia sebab risau berjangkit sial dia dekat aku hahahahhaha!!!!

3. What makes you hate her/him?
sbb dia tooooooooooot mcm syeitan![tiru ayat abg cikgu ADAM] + Perasan bagus dan tak sedar diri dia hina agaknya....

4. You love your family?
Ya Allah....soklan ini perlu ker nak jawab????? Dah tentulah aku SAYANG BANGAT sama Famili ku...

5. List 5 names of your friends that you love.
Erm..ramai la..tak nak ada yg t'tggl..[tiru ayat abang cikgu ADAM] ok..la..aku bg 3 jer...Acid, Fari and Yun!! Yang lebih tu...korang tau siapa korang pada aku!

6. Why do you love them?
Kawan sehidup semati...no secret among us!

7. Who do you prefer, your dad or mom?
.....I prefer "Both". Suka hati aku la....

8. Did someone make you cry this week?
Nope!...nobody makes me cry, only me, myself can make me cry..

9. When was the last time you make your friend laugh?
Just now... I forgot the reason....

10. Do you like someone at this moment?

11. What was the last present you received?
Hmmm.... Birthday Card from my friends.

12. Are you missing someone?
Yes..maybe sometwo and somethree..hihi[tiru ayat abang cikgu ADAM lagi...] even..now I miss my parents!

13. What was the last message did you received from your ex-girlfriend / boyfriend?
Takde...I don't have any!

14. What was the last comment you received?
From Aie .....some philosophy...

15. What is your wish for your birthday this year?
Memandangkan lambat lagi...so wish ni mungkin akan bertukar ganti...but for this moment...nak cari awek yang sehati berdansa dulu!!! Hahahahhahaha.

That's all!!! PEACE!!


  1. Rajin abg janggel jawab tag.huhuhu..takkan takde someone special lg?moga2 tahun ni la yer..amin...

  2. Aie:

    Ala bukan rajin sangat pon, sebb bosan jer hehehehhe. Someone special??? Hmmmm ada ker tak yer....ntah..kejap macam ada kejap macm takda...hahahhaha

  3. Besday ...hujung taun maaaa...ada lagi 9 bulan.

  4. pergh..sesuatu yg tabah jawab tag..hehe

  5. Hiroshi::

    Yup...Sangat TABAH!!!

  6. wah...bagus2..tq2

    "Yang lebih tu...korang tau siapa korang pada aku!"

    ok2..taw2.. ;p

  7. Adam::

    kehkehkeh thanks for the Tag!

    Korang tau sapa korang pada aku....


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